Oak Wilt Treatment

When Does It Make Sense to Treat My Oak Wilt?

Here's a short list of conditions that must be met for oak wilt treatment to have a substantial impact:


-The Oak is Close to Another Oak That Has Been Infected or Has Only Exhibited Symptoms This Season

-It’s at the perfect time of year to begin water uptake cycles (Spring)

-If less than 30% of the canopy has been affected


-The Health of the Oak is Prioratized by You


-It has Potential to Overcome the Vascular Stress Produced by Oak-Wilt

– Its had 4-5 days without water uptake



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The ways we are fighting oak wilt

Here at Astro Arborist Tree Care we know; an ounce of prevention is worth pounds of cure. Always make sure your oaks are cared for by professionals that use all the preventative measures such as sanitation of saws & sealing wounds made on Oaks.

Beyond prevention we can keep a good eye out for necrosis of the leaves to identify the disease in early onset, early spring as our Oaks start budding. If you notice brown streaks coming from the inside of the leave heading outward, it’s time to call your experts to see about if treatment is right for your tree.

Once there has been problems identified, we are likely to remove the symptomatic tree; and start treating the surrounding oaks that could be married in root.

If your considering trenching, please read: Trenching is another method that has been used for twenty years and has been found to be ineffective. We DO NOT offer these services as we refuse to waste our time or client’s funds doing so.


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